The UN reported that since the first day of the war in Ukraine, 10,382 people, including 579 children, have been killed, and another 19,659 people, including 1,285 children, have been injured.

According to Rosemary DiCarlo, Deputy Secretary General of the UN for political and peace-building issues, 10,382 people have been killed and 19,659 injured since the first day of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Di Carlo was speaking at the UN Security Council meeting at the request of Moscow after an attack on the Russian-controlled town of Lysichansk in Ukraine's Lugansk region killed 28 people.

He noted that Russia's attacks on Ukrainian-controlled areas have intensified in recent weeks.

"Last week, the violence increased significantly, especially in the Zaporozhye region, where more than 570 settlements were attacked. 12 civilians were killed and 60 injured in the attacks," said DiCarlo.

Referring to the data of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, DiCarlo noted that since the start of the war in February 2022, 10,382 people, including 579 children, have been killed in Ukraine, and another 19,659 people, including 1,285 children, have been injured .

The deputy secretary-general said that since December, the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine "started to increase significantly again."

"I must reiterate that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, regardless of where they occur, are against international law. This is unacceptable and should be stopped immediately , " he said.

DiCarlo said the conflict, which has forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their country, " does n't show any signs of an end."

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