Donald Trump, the former president of the United States and a possible candidate for the presidency in the upcoming elections, called immigrants "animals" several times during a meeting with voters. He also accused Latin American countries of deliberately sending their criminals to the United States.

Former US President and potential presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared with law enforcement officials at an event in Michigan, citing the need for stronger immigration enforcement and listing several crimes committed by people of other nationalities.

According to TRT, after listing several crimes allegedly committed by immigrants, Trump concluded that illegal immigrants are animals.

"Democrats say, don't call them " animals " , they are people . But I say : no, they are not people, they are not people, they are animals. [...] I use the word "animal" because that's what they are," said the former US president.

In his speeches, Donald Trump often points out that immigrants who illegally cross the border with Mexico, escaping from prisons in their countries, contribute to the increase in crime, including violent crimes, in the United States. However, they usually limit themselves to examples of specific events without providing statistical data to support their thesis.

He also reiterated on Tuesday that Latin American countries are deliberately sending their criminals to the United States.

Although there is little data available on the immigration status of criminals in the United States, researchers say people living in the U.S. illegally do not commit more violent crimes than Americans themselves.

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