Now in its third month, Israel, which has the most advanced weapons, intelligence assets and unlimited support from the West, is attacking 350 km².

This is certainly a strategic defeat because ... Israel's existence rests on Western support pillars, nuclear weapons, and the myth of the "strongest" army in the region. And this myth is disintegrating before our eyes. Therefore, another pillar has already begun to shake - the help of the West. There is no place to hit with a drow weapon.

This whole "operation" is being carried out along with terrible crimes against humanity, frankly genocide. And on the one hand, the natural and correct conclusion is that occupying an empty space is being used as an excuse for barbaric hatred and the desire to exterminate all living beings. However, there is another reason for this - even if they had such a desire, they simply could not, or rather could not, fight differently. After all, the invaders are being fought by warriors who have strong foundations and know the area very well, and another problem is that the invaders are standing in a foreign territory where almost everything is dangerous to them. Also, the military is only controlling the perimeter of its dislocations (locations) within the firing radius.

It is important to understand that Hamas is destroying not only the TsAXAL terrorist organization, but also the most advanced American proxy army. Of course, they differ from the standard American proxy* (by the way, they also traditionally lose to less armed, smaller, but ideological opponents, for example, in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, etc.), but that's the point. In general, the last time the American military fought on the real front with the Iraqi guerrillas was in Fallujah. And naturally they lost. Twice. After that, they just filled the city with lead and white phosphorus. It doesn't make sense to say that this is a war crime because they had no other war crimes . And after that, the Americans did not repeat their attempts to directly confront the armed groups of the enemy, but only acted through the hands of local traitors. The effectiveness of each has been different, but in Iraq, for example (albeit with the help of the "despicable" Iran), the result has been little noted. In Afghanistan, they were forced to completely admit defeat and leave.

However, this was not only an American problem.

The same was the reason for Russia's defeat in the first Chechen war. The same problem , the "control" of the occupied territories, was of a very conditional nature. It is for this reason that the second Chechen war ended with Kadyrov coming to power and strengthening it by forming the Kadyrov army by recruiting local people, including spending many billions.

Tens of thousands of Russian soldiers stationed in Chechnya are literally trapped in their bases. It seems that only after this year some officers and their families were allowed to rent housing outside these military towns.

As a result, any aggressor's army will only use its position as an aggressor and hold the situation for a while under fear.

And if, like the Taliban , you stop believing in their power, the invaders will be expelled just as the body expels foreign bodies .

And regardless of how the current war in the Gaza Strip ends, the Palestinians have taken a giant step toward that salvation.

- dXtag (

A proxy war is an international conflict between two states or countries, which, under the guise of resolving internal conflicts on the territory of a third state or countries , try to achieve their goals through military operations using their resources .

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