The USA vetoed the draft resolution on Palestine's full membership in the UN . 12 member states of the UN Security Council voted "in favor" of the project, Great Britain and Switzerland abstained.

On Friday evening, the UN Security Council discussed Palestine's desire to become a full member of the UN.

During the vote on the draft resolution prepared by Algeria, the United States vetoed the draft. 12 countries voted in favor. Great Britain and Switzerland abstained , reports Anadolu .

Palestine is currently a "permanent observer state" at the UN. This status allows him to participate in all meetings of the Organization, but he does not have the right to vote in the main bodies of the UN.

On April 2, 2024, Palestine sent a letter to the UN Secretary - General requesting a reconsideration of its 2011 UN membership application. The UN chief accepted the request and sent it to the Security Council , which discussed the issue in an open meeting on Monday, April 8. In accordance with the rules , the Security Council referred the matter to its Committee on the Admission of New Members.

The committee discussed the Palestinian proposal at its meetings on April 8 and April 11, but did not reach a unanimous decision. In 2011, the Committee spent two months considering Palestine's request for full membership, with similar results. Various proposals have been put forward , including an intermediate stage.

Thus, on November 29, 2012, the General Assembly adopted a resolution granting Palestine the status of a non-member UN observer state. At the time, 138 countries supported this decision and 9 countries (Canada, Czech Republic, Micronesia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Panama, Palau and United States of America ) opposed it. 41 delegations abstained .

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