The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted a draft resolution on humanitarian assistance and protection of UN personnel in conflict zones. The draft resolution was adopted by the votes of 14 of the 15 member states of the Council, Russia abstained.

The resolution submitted by Switzerland to the UN Security Council calls on all states to "respect and protect humanitarian workers and UN staff, including those recruited at national and local level, as well as the persons and staff concerned".

The resolution also calls on all parties to the conflict to fully comply with their obligations under applicable international human rights and humanitarian law and calls on all member states to investigate violations against humanitarian aid workers and UN staff.

- The resolution is tailored to Gaza, although it does not mention Gaza

Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Representative of Palestine to the UN, who spoke after the adoption of the decision at the UN Security Council, expressed his satisfaction that the resolution was adopted without objection by any country.

"This resolution is intended for Gaza, although it does not mention Gaza by name, it concerns the protection of international personnel, including UN personnel and in particular UNRVA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East). and civilians," said Mansour.

Expressing his satisfaction with the call for humanitarian and international law violators to remain unpunished in the resolution, Mansour noted that he believes that the UN Security Council decision will go a long way in achieving a ceasefire in Gaza and preventing the occupation of Rafah.

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