If we look at all the conflicts that are happening in our modern world - from Gaza and Palestine to Venezuela, Colombia, African countries and Ukraine, we will see that at the root of these conflicts and wars are the attempts of the US, Britain, France and other colonialists to maintain their leadership position. They are simply trying to prove their hegemony by relying on their military superiority, possession of deadly weapons and wealth . However, history has proven countless times that empires cannot survive on wealth and military power alone. The empire's moral, political, and social decline signaled its inevitable decline.

The world we live in has been experiencing a political crisis for many years. As political ideologies clash in the international arena, political figures are fueled by such antagonism. Today, in this political scene, it is rare to meet state leaders who are aware of the legacy of historical governance.

The statesmen of the past understood well that their future legacy should last much longer than their short lives. Today's leaders do not fully feel the responsibility assigned to them. Instead of reacting to the terrible realities happening in the world based on not only Islamic, but also internationally recognized human values, they prefer inaction and indifference.

All this is the words of a Palestinian father who was carrying the bodies of children from a school near al-Mawasi, which was bombed by Israeli warplanes: "What can we say? We did everything we could and turned to the world community, but they neither want to hear nor see the atrocities of the Zionists who are killing innocent children." expressed in his words. It is understood that today the true words have lost their importance and effectiveness, and the leaders of the world have fallen to the level where they do not hear, although they have ears, and they do not feel, although they have hearts.

So, what is the attitude of the Western politicians, who constantly accuse third world countries of violating human rights, to such a serious crime against humanity? Unfortunately, they are in a shameful position: Western politicians, led by the US, are ready to provide the invading Israel with all the weapons and money it wants to "defend itself" (in fact, to kill more children).

Unfortunately, the politicians of industrialized countries have failed to condemn the killing of "God's image" children. Moreover, at a time when the murderous Zionists are destroying hundreds of towns and villages, exterminating their people, and committing atrocities that history has not yet witnessed, such faceless and dishonorable leaders are standing aside to protect the real perpetrator. Consequently, they are providing billions of dollars and internationally banned bombs to make it easier for Israel to continue its atrocities. Their media is talking about protecting an oppressive and bloodthirsty regime from the oppressed. It prides itself on giving money to a powerful enemy to kill more of the vulnerable and oppressed.

Those who tell the truth are arrested or fired. At the heart of this lies racism, which is deeply rooted in Western literature, culture and practice. They still haven't been able to renounce the legacy of colonialism. Such an inheritance is related to the fact that the lives of Muslims do not have a trivial value for them.

For this reason, they condemn any countrymen who sympathize with non-Western victims, as if these victims do not deserve any respect and dignity. Today, racism in the United States and Europe has already become a social tragedy: as it grows, its poisonous niches are not limited to immigrants and black people.

They continue to shirk their political, moral, and international obligations, fanning the flames of conflict by brutally occupying other countries (whether by mental or physical means) and then asking their citizens to leave those regions quickly. They send warships, bombs and funds to criminals. They guarantee the safety of their partners and say that they will not be held accountable for actions that are clearly unfair.

In this context, the voices of the media, which strive to convey the truth, are silenced, even destroyed. So that their messages do not come out of the depths of the fire; let it have no impact on the conscience of those who hold fast to their humanity and who, despite all threats, blackmail and targeting, do not give up expressing it.

Those who remain loyal to their principles, sacrifice themselves and their children, and fight fiercely against all obstacles for the blessed soil, safety and protection of this holy land, live with completely different values and ethics. They give their lives to Jabbor for the inheritance of future generations and for the survival of their faith, which they have been protecting since their youth. Because Muslims believe that they will be rewarded in eternal life for this hard life, blood and souls.

Undoubtedly, the political crisis the West is currently facing is the cause of all the problems we face today - economic, moral or social. The West, led by the US, uses weapons, money and terrorism to defend its power and dominance. They support the real terrorists by calling the Muslims who take up arms in search of justice as terrorists.

Basharti, if we look at all the conflicts that are happening in our modern world - from Gaza and Palestine to Venezuela, Colombia, African countries and Ukraine, we see that at the root of these conflicts and wars are the unsuccessful attempts of the US, Britain, France and other colonialists to maintain their leadership position. Now they are ready to prove their hegemony simply by relying on their military superiority, possession of lethal weapons and wealth. However, history has proven countless times that empires cannot survive on wealth and military power alone. The empire's moral, political, and social decline signaled its inevitable decline.

Muhammad Dawood Asadullah

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