A 20-year-old student of the University of World Languages of Uzbekistan, 20 years old, went to the Israeli embassy in Tashkent and threw a bottle of kerosene over the wall in order to set it on fire.

Photo: Alamy

In the city of Tashkent, a young student tried to set fire to the Israeli embassy in Uzbekistan. According to the court document, AA, who was born in Fergana region in 2004 and is a second-year student of the University of World Languages of Uzbekistan, tried to set fire to the Israeli embassy early in the morning on October 19, 2023.

That day, around 4:30 a.m., the young man put a glass container with kerosene, dumbbells, two boxes of matches and pieces of fabric in his sports bag and rode a bicycle to the embassy. Then his actions attracted the attention of the employees of the IIB No. 4 of the IIO FMB of the Yakkasaray district, which is located near the embassy.

The police officers asked the young man to stop, and he started to run away on his bike. The employees followed him in a service car, stopped him and brought him to the IIB building and asked him to reveal the bag on his shoulder. In order to achieve his goal, the young student distracted the IIB officers, took a bottle of kerosene and a dumbbell in his hand, and ran towards the embassy building. The MIA and the National Guard guarding the embassy building caught the young man near the embassy door. In the meantime, he managed to throw the bottle and dumbbell over the wall into the embassy yard.

In his testimony to the court, AA stated that in mid-October 2023, he started watching videos showing armed conflicts between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip, as a result, he hated the state of Israel, and in order to take revenge, he intended to burn down the embassy of this country in Tashkent.

"Before, I wanted to throw kerosene bottles over the wall into the inner courtyard of the embassy. After that, I planned to set fire to the embassy by saturating pieces of cloth wrapped around dumbbell stones and saturating them with kerosene.

I didn't intend to harm people or the embassy, I just wanted to protest because the state of Israel bombed a hospital in Palestine. I realized that my actions were wrong," he said in his testimony in court.

By the judgment of the Yakkasaray district court on April 19 of this year, he was found guilty of committing the crime provided for in Article 155 (terrorism), part 1 of the AA Criminal Code, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

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