Israeli media announced the temporary withdrawal of the Golani Brigade from the Gaza Strip after heavy losses.

Israel's Channel 13 TV reported that the Golani military , one of the elite infantry brigades within the Israeli army, had left Gaza to "reorganize and revitalize" its ranks.

"The Golani brigade, which spent more than 70 days and lost 44 soldiers, left Gaza for a few days to see their families," Walla website reported.

"Channel 12" TV reported that after 9 days of heavy fighting in the Shujaiyeh district of the eastern Gaza Strip, the soldiers of the Golani Brigade left Gaza, and their commander, Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, and 8 soldiers were killed.

According to the report, the soldiers are awaiting orders to return to Gaza.

It was also reported in the press that the battalions of the Parachute Brigade operating in the north and south of Gaza were withdrawn from Gaza.

On December 13, the Israeli media reported that many soldiers were killed and wounded in an ambush organized by the Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, in the Shujaiye district.

In its statement, the Israeli army announced that 9 soldiers from the Golani brigade were killed in the ambush, and 4 were seriously wounded.

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