The representative of the Houthis informed that constant cooperation and relations between Yemen, Russia, China and BRICS countries are developing, knowledge and experience are being exchanged in various fields. "This is necessary to drown the US, Britain and the West in the Red Sea, weaken them and prevent them from maintaining unipolarity," he said.

The representative of the Houthis informed that constant cooperation and relations between Yemen, Russia, China and BRICS countries are developing, knowledge and experience are being exchanged in various fields.

"This is necessary in order to drown the USA, Britain and the West in the swamps of the Red Sea and the open seas, to weaken them and prevent them from maintaining unipolarity," said the representative of the Houthis al-Kahum on his social network page.

According to Al-Kahoum, after the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the global balance of power shifted to multipolarity and accelerated during the next escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. At the same time, the colonial project and the hegemony of the West in the region and the world are on the verge of collapse.

"There are changes in the international climate and the balance of power between the East and the West, especially at a time when the West is trying to invade Russia, drown it in Ukraine, and weaken its alliance with China, the rest of the Eastern countries and the BRICS countries," said a member of the Houthis' politburo.

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