Yesterday, April 22 (13 Shawwal of 1445 Hijri), the famous theologian and scientist Sheikh Abdulmajid az-Zindani died.

As a Yemeni theologian, he founded the University of Faith in Yemen and the Committee on Scientific Symbols in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Abd Ulmajid Az-Zindani was born in Yemen in 1942, studied at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Cairo University, then worked in the Ministry of Education of Yemen. He participated in the struggle of Afghan Muslims against the USSR, and is widely known in the Muslim world for his works on the non-repetition of the Qur'an and monotheism.

He was also a prominent Muslim figure - former leader of Islah party - Yemen Union for Reforms, rector of Iman University. In addition, he is known to the world as a medical scientist who discovered a means of fighting AIDS.

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