The European Parliament adopted a resolution stating that the presidential elections in Russia were undemocratic.
493 deputies voted for the decision, 11 deputies voted against it, and 18 abstained.
The text says that there were "no real alternative candidates" in the elections in Russia, and that voting in the occupied territories is illegal.
Deputies of the European Parliament called on "the countries of the European Union and the international community not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in Russia as legitimate."
In addition, the resolution recommended that the EU limit its relations with Moscow within the framework of issues related to regional peace, humanitarian issues and human rights.
Members of Parliament called on EU countries to "support independent civil society organizations, independent media and human rights defenders, as well as the Russian democratic opposition."
Let's remind that the President of the Council of the European Union, Charles Michel, "congratulated" Vladimir Putin with his victory before the election. "I congratulate Vladimir Putin in advance, who will win the elections in Russia, because there is no opposition, no freedom, no choice in Russia," he wrote. During the election process, cases such as burning of ballots and "pouring of zelyonka" were observed by citizens of the Russian Federation.

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