The crew of the Danish-flagged Marianne Danica requested entry to the port on May 21. However, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to allow a ship carrying weapons and ammunition for Israel, accused of genocide, to enter a Spanish port. It was found that the ship had 12 tons of missiles, 1.5 tons of explosives and 740 kilograms of other military materials.

"This is the first time we are doing this because for the first time we have discovered that a ship carrying weapons to Israel is trying to enter a Spanish port. The ban on stopping a ship to replenish supplies is consistent and in line with our policy," Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told reporters.

The minister also added that Spain's policy is not to issue new export licenses for military materials to Israel.

At the same time, a number of non-governmental organizations organized a protest in the port of Cartagena in the south of Spain after the ship "Borkum" carrying weapons for Israel approached the coast.

According to the non-governmental organization Solidarity Network Against the Occupation of Palestine, the ship contained 12 tons of rockets, 1.5 tons of explosives and 740 kilograms of other military materials.

Borkum was not allowed to enter the port, the ship dropped anchor far from the coast. The Sumar Alliance, a junior partner in the coalition government, and the opposition Podemos party have asked prosecutors to inspect the ship's cargo.

Meanwhile, government sources told the press that the ship's final destination was the Czech Republic, not Israel.

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