The President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, drew attention to the subversive act in "Crocus City Hall" and noted that this tragedy had a serious blow to the image of Tajikistan. According to him, the special services of the republic will continue to work in close cooperation with their Russian counterparts in the fight against terrorism. "Terror has no homeland, nationality and religion. We must fight against it together," said the president.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon confirmed the direction of further development of alliance relations with Russia in a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Rahmon touched on the subversive action in "Crocus City Hall" and drew attention to the fact that several people from Tajikistan are accused of it.

He said that this tragedy seriously affected the image of Tajikistan. According to him, the republic's special services will continue to work in close cooperation with their Russian counterparts in the fight against terrorism.

"Terror has no homeland, nationality and religion. We have to fight against it together," said the politician.

In addition, Rahmon offered to discuss the "sensitive" issue of labor migrants in Russia for his country.

He added that even during the Soviet Union, Tajikistan was a unique labor supplier for Komsomol construction sites and construction battalions.

Vladimir Putin, in turn, thanked his colleague for his sympathy after the terrorist attack in Crocus. He also expressed satisfaction with the current level of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries and reminded that Russia is the main partner of Tajikistan.

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