Most of the Western countries have ignored the issues related to the occupation of Palestine for a long time. While most countries preferred to remain neutral, others believed the slander against the Palestinian people. And Israel's brutal war against Gaza has put an end to indifference to the plight of the Palestinian people throughout the West - Al-Jazeera reporter Usman Muqbil's article in Uzbek.

Most of the Western countries have ignored the issues related to the occupation of Palestine for a long time. For years, information about the occupation was mentioned in the news only once a year and then forgotten. It was a very "complicated" process, and those who understood the situation well on both sides suffered from it. While most countries preferred to remain neutral, others believed the slander against the Palestinian people.

However, the scale and severity of brutality evident in the past six months of conflict has put an end to the indifference to the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Al-Jazeera's and Palestinian journalists' continuous and comprehensive coverage of the news in the media has opened people's eyes. It also revealed the true nature of the situation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

A poll by YouGov, Action for Humanity, one of the leading NGOs working in Gaza and influencing UK politicians, found that 56% of the UK now support ending arms exports to Israel. Only 17 percent are against and the rest are neutral. This is a very large amount. We've been polling the public on the wars in Syria and Yemen for years. According to him, the British public has never been so keenly aware of, and enthusiastic about, the private sector. In addition, 59 percent of respondents said that Israel violates human rights in Gaza. That's three out of five people. Only 12 percent did not think so. It's worth noting that this survey was conducted on April 1, before the World Central Kitchen support staff were killed. This atrocity shocked the whole world, even the governments of Great Britain and the United States. Now that many people are condemning this event, many people understand the horrors that are being committed and do not want to be partners with the enemies. Other YouGov polls show that the longer the war on Gaza drags on, the more likely they are to support a ceasefire (up from 59% in November to 66% in February). Thus, more people say the attack on Gaza is unjustified (up from 44% in November to 45% in February). Also, supporters of peace talks are increasing significantly (this figure increased from 61 percent in November to 66 percent in February). It is a mirror to the realities reflected in the entire Western world. In the United States, Israel's biggest global supporter, not only is the White House administration unable to justify the rising civilian death toll, but the public is also protesting against it. A CBC/YouGov poll found that in October, 47 percent of Americans supported sending arms to Israel, down from 32 percent, or just one-third of the general population. As a result, supporters of the ceasefire are increasing.

In our opinion, this situation is happening in all western countries. Much of the Western public is increasingly aware of the crimes against humanity being committed in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem. Even people who thought the many civilian deaths in Gaza were acceptable are beginning to understand that what is happening is inexcusable. But, unfortunately, Western government politicians ignore the feelings of their people. This is not only morally wrong, but also politically short-sighted.

2024 was the "year of elections", during which 49% of the world's population participated in elections. Although politicians, against their conscience, fail to realize that the public is unhappy with the support of human rights abuses in Gaza, they may lose the elections as a result.

Many believe that the Labor Party will form the next government in Great Britain. The public is calling for an end to arming Israel, and Labor is behind these efforts. However, the survey found that 71% of those who plan to vote Labour, think the UK should also cut funding to Israel.

Western countries have supported violence against Palestinians for years. This issue has arisen due to the public's indifference to what is happening and being deceived by lies. Now, because of Israel's horrific act of sabotage against Gaza, such issues have been put to rest. Humanity, in any form, has always sought goodness everywhere. Most people believe in peace and justice. They know that killing innocents is wrong. Right now, the whole world is turning to Gaza and seeing the extraordinary, extremely difficult conditions Palestinians are forced to endure. No one wants this bloodshed to continue any longer.

Usman Muqbil, Al Jazeera reporter

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