Pavel Durov made a statement on his Telegram channel for the first time after his arrest in France.

He said he was questioned by French police for four days after he was arrested when he traveled to Paris last month. The founder of the Telegram messenger expressed his surprise at the events, saying that the company has an official representative in the European Union who responds to the requests of the European Union.

In addition, Durov, who is a French citizen, frequently visits the French embassy in the Emirates, but the French government has not asked him any questions on this matter.

Durov also stated that Telegram is ready to cooperate with many countries, but will not give up its principles.

He said that Russia asked the messenger for an "encryption key" to be able to track it, but was refused, resulting in Telegram being temporarily blocked; He cited the example of Iran asking to block protestors' channels, resulting in Telegram being banned in Iran.

The founder of the messenger also rejected rumors that Telegram is an "anarchist paradise".

He said that millions of malicious posts and channels are deleted every day. In addition, Telegram announced the availability of a daily transparency report, as well as the establishment of direct relationships with non-governmental organizations to process urgent requests for moderation even more quickly.

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