On March 15, declared by the UN as the International Day Against Islamophobia, the largest Muslim human rights organization in the United States, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), together with the international coalition of Muslim organizations, has committed the world community by the governments of Israel, India, China and France. ayat gan called to focus on Islamophobic riots.

The joint declaration was signed by Muslim organizations operating in more than 30 countries, including Australia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain and the United States, writes Islam. News .

In a joint statement released yesterday , CAIR and Muslim community groups:

"Decades of Israeli occupation and apartheid have led to a predictable outcome: genocide in Gaza. Some countries, like South Africa, have spoken [at least lip service ] about international humanitarian values. Other countries such as the US and Britain continue to provide military and political support to Israel, ignoring daily videos of Gaza in ruins and Palestinian civilians begging for food, medicine or crying for their dead children .

"And the extreme right-wing government of India continues to oppress religious and racial minorities in this country, especially Muslims. At the beginning of this year, Prime Minister Modi opened a Hindu temple on the site of the former Babir Mosque, which was destroyed by nationalists in 1992, and continued to use religion for his own benefit in his country."

" The Chinese government has stepped up its efforts to erase Islam from the country by destroying mosques and Muslim cemeteries and implementing a policy of 'Chineseization' and forced labor against ethnic and religious minorities in the Muslim-majority region of Xinjiang."

" France continues efforts to remove clothing associated with Islamic identity from public spaces. The government recently banned Muslim students from wearing the abaya, a long dress worn by many Muslim women."

In their statement, the organizations called on countries to "recognize the UN International Day Against Islamophobia" and the aforementioned countries to abandon anti-Muslim policies.

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