Queen Salma, a pilot in the Royal Air Force of Jordan, boasted that she had shot down several Iranian drones headed for Israel as part of a "revenge strike".

According to the heir to the throne of Jordan, on the night of April 14, he managed to shoot down six drones of the Iranian Air Force.

The confession of the Jordanian princess caused different reactions of the observers. In particular, they point out that Salma's mother, Rania, is of Palestinian origin, and that her actions represent a defense of Israel, which has occupied her historic homeland.

It should be noted that on the night of April 14, Iran and its allies in Iraq and Lebanon launched several strikes against Israel in response to the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The Iranian government called the night operation a "revenge strike".

According to experts, the blow given by Tehran can be considered an image blow. According to them, the Iranian military showed its superiority by successfully striking the given targets by warning the enemy in advance about the time of the strikes.

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