Deputies of the LDPR are developing a draft law that would ban migrant workers from moving their families to Russia. According to the representative of the State Duma, this will further worsen the situation related to the lack of labor force.

Banning immigrants from moving to Russia with their families will worsen the labor shortage. Svetlana Bessarab, a member of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veteran Affairs of the State Duma, informed about this.

A group of LDPR deputies plans to submit a draft law to the State Duma that would prohibit foreigners from entering Russia based on their kinship with a person working in the country.

"If a migrant worker comes with the intention of obtaining a residence permit, obeys the law and does a good job, even in a low-skilled position, why shouldn't we allow him to bring his family and continue to work here? "- said the parliamentarian in an interview with the website.

Bessarab also reminded that Russia needs not only highly qualified personnel, but also low-skilled workers, which the local population often does not want to work for. Therefore, in his opinion, such bans can only cause harm.

Earlier it was reported that the anti-immigrant campaign in Russia is leading to a significant increase in the price of goods and services and a decrease in their quality.

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