A year... easy to say. That means 365 days. This means that every morning, every day someone from your family - your child, your partner, your father, your mother or another relative will die from a bomb thrown by the Zionist invaders, or all of them will die under the bombardment. If you are lucky, you will be hit by the assassin's bullet yourself, but you will completely escape the pain of this painful separation and massacre.   What a horrible sight, isn't it? This is the daily life of Gazans. They have been suffering for 365 days. So far, ... one of the Gazans has been martyred, among them ... children and ... women. ... a person became disabled for life. The area was almost leveled with the ground, and Zionist planes and tanks flattened the city. Meeting the most essential and vital needs of the surviving population, such as medicine, bread and water, has also become a big problem.

However, none of these could break the will of the people of Gaza, they were strengthened again, their children died, they did not break; his wives died, he did not surrender; leaders died, did not turn back from their path. He taught and continues to teach the world how to stand against falsehood. He is an example to the people of the world in many ways.


For a year now, the honest and conscientious people of the world community have bowed their heads and bowed their necks. It is impossible to know whether the true image of democracy, which is worshiped as the most just and the most people-friendly system, is so vile or has it been given such a color by vile hands...

For a year, the Western countries have torn off the mask of justice, equality and bigotry, which they have been promoting for a long time.

It's been a year since the despotic leaders of the Arab countries, who have become the envoys of the West and who kiss mouth and nose with the Zionists, have turned into an enemy hyena that has been gnawing at a piece of them for eighty years and   he watches with indifference and even joy that he has passed into the open.

It's been a year since the Islamic world, the ummah that was once the controller of justice in the world, is witnessing the execution of its brother while lying in the swamp of humiliation...

The conscience of Muslim countries has been awake for a year   but the weak population is trying to do what they can, such as boycotts and demonstrations, trying to wake up their leaders...

For a year now, instead of being embarrassed by the fact that the Sunni world, numbering over one billion, is unable to show the courage of a very small number of Shiites, and is unable to stand up to oppression, they are flattering themselves by saying that they are at the same language as the real enemy, that these actions are a "performance"...

It's been a year since the carnage that has gained strength in Gaza continues on an increasingly large scale, it's been a year since the blood is flowing in Gaza...

For a year, the world has been eagerly waiting for Islam and Muslims to restore their stature, to return to their glorious times and to establish justice...

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