Israeli police, who continued restrictions around the Al-Aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, resisted Palestinians who wanted to perform Friday prayers in Al-Aqsa this week .

Israeli forces closed the streets in the Old City of Jerusalem, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located, with iron fences, preventing young Palestinians, and sometimes even elderly Palestinians, from entering Al-Aqsa.

Usually 100,000-150,000 people queue at Al-Aqsa Mosque on Fridays , the situation observed for 8 weeks after October 7 was repeated this week, and only about 5,000 Muslims were able to pray there due to Israeli restrictions .

Israeli forces conducted personal checks at checkpoints set up with iron fences in the Old City area and turned many Palestinians away.

Palestinians who were not allowed into Aqsa for Friday prayers performed their prayers around Haram Sharif.

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