Israel's Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir apologized for his son Shuval Ben-Gvir's post mocking US President Joe Biden on X social network.

"Shuval is my son, my favorite person. But tonight he made a serious mistake in a tweet that I absolutely do not approve of. The United States of America is our great friend, and President Biden is a friend of Israel. Although I don't support Hatti's actions, for God's sake, there is no place for a sloppy method here. Respect for humanity is the foundation and this is how I raise my children. I apologize for my son's words," he wrote on the X social network.
Shuval Ben-Gvir, the son of the Minister of National Security, previously wrote a tweet with a photo of Joe Biden, which caused heated discussions.

"In these challenging times, it's important to raise awareness about Alzheimer's, a degenerative brain disease that is the leading cause of dementia, a decline in mental capacity in old age, and dementia (a collection of several disorders that affect memory, thinking and the ability to do daily activities - Azon Global). "This is a serious disease that harms a person's ability to work and self-control," he wrote.

Ben-Gvir's son later deleted the tweet, and his father apologized for his son's actions.

Itamar Ben-Gvir previously accused the Biden administration of harming Israel 's war efforts.

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