11.12.2023 12:23

Israel's "media guard" - "CAMERA"

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has launched an investigation against six journalists working for its Arab service, accusing them of anti-Israel attitudes.

It was stated that the investigation is related to the activities of the journalists on social networks, more precisely, their "guilt" was "liking and sharing" content supporting Palestine and criticizing Israel.

However, the journalists denied the allegations in a letter sent to the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera TV channel. Journalists, in turn, accused their institutions of being biased in favor of Israel. The BBC has been accused of applying "civilian double standards" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has reported unabashedly on Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

"The BBC has not been critical of Israel's crimes against humanity and has failed to provide accurate information to the public about human rights abuses in Gaza," the letter said.

The letter, which focused on the thousands of Palestinians killed since October 7, asked: "How much more do these numbers have to rise before our editorial board can change its mind?" is a painful question.

So why is the BBC investigating journalists?

In a statement released by the BBC, it was said that six of its employees were sent for investigation on suspicion of violating editorial rules on impartiality.

Apart from the pressure exerted by the Israeli authorities on the BBC to "change its broadcasting policy", something else stands out...


In the United States, there is a huge organization like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which has more than 100,000 members, and there are 51 different lobby organizations big and small that support Israel.

Among them is the Committee for Oversight of Middle East News and Analysis ( "CAMERA" ), which is responsible for putting pressure on the American media and controlling (censoring) media editorials in covering issues related to the Middle East.

"CAMERA" asserts that its activities are aimed at "correct and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East." So is it really?

Let's go back to the BBC investigation...

The BBC's decision to refer its journalists to the investigation follows a report submitted by CAMERA and published on its website that "BBC reporters made statements on social media justifying the killing of Israeli civilians."

The VVC's publication policy, which claims to have a "balanced and impartial" policy on the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza, began to change after the report.

What kind of organization is "CAMERA" ?

The Committee to Review Middle East News and Analysis was founded in 1982 by Winfred Meiselman, a Washington educator and social service worker, to respond to The Washington Post 's coverage of the Israel - Lebanon War , the newspaper's reporter, and criticism of Israel in general . Famous political figures living in Washington , members of the Senate , journalists , ambassadors , Christian and Jewish priests joined the organization .

"CAMERA" monitors everything that the Western media publishes about Jews and Israel . Contact the responsible persons of these mass media about the content that they consider to be a professional offense and demand their correction .

The organization implements various projects in North America , Europe , Israel , Spain , South Africa and Latin America through the " Student Employment Project " programs that encourage students to teach " truths " to their fellow students . For this purpose, in 1990 , the organization launched the " Camera on Campus" project aimed at organizing pro-Israel groups in universities . He also founded the educational institute "CAMERA" aimed at combating anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda at all levels of pre-university education .

On the other hand , the organization has a special department that monitors important media organizations such as The Guardian, The Independent and the BBC, whose programs it considers " problematic " .

The organization's Arab media department also cooperates with the Arabic departments of the BBC, AFP, CNN and other Western media .

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