Israel's Heritage Minister Amikai Eliyahu urged the public on social media to buy T-shirts with a map of Israel that includes the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula. Eliyahu is a member of the Otsma Yehudit party, which is led by far-right politician - Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir. The map shows that Israel is also eyeing the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.

Israeli Heritage Minister Amikai Eliyahu X, who is known for his radical views, posted on his social network page again his views calling for the reoccupation of the Sinai Peninsula, TRT reported.

The tweet urged the public to buy T-shirts with a map of Israel that includes the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula. Inside the map is the slogan " Occupy Now ".

Eliyahu is a member of Israel's far-right Otsma Yehudit party , which is led by another right-wing politician, the country's national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir.

In 2023, Eliyahu drew international attention with his proposal to use nuclear weapons in the Gaza Strip.

In 2024, he called for the "cancellation" of the Muslim holy month before Ramadan. The minister himself lives in the illegal settlement of Rimonim in the West Bank.

It is also worth mentioning that Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula as a result of the 1967 Middle East War, but this territory was returned to Egypt in 1982 under the 1979 Camp David Agreement.

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