The Israeli military let the fighting dog kill Muhammad Bhar, a 24-year-old Palestinian with Down syndrome and autism, as a bribe. They also prevented them from helping Muhammad. The BBC first reported the case under the headline "Gaza man with Down syndrome dies alone", but after criticism from readers it was changed to "Gaza man with Down syndrome attacked and killed by Israeli army dog, mother says".

Mohammed Bhar, a 24-year-old Palestinian with Down syndrome and autism, was killed by Israeli forces. The fighting dog they released surprised the young man. The Israelis forced his family at gunpoint to abandon the dying young man without help.

According to Mohammad's family, Israeli forces broke into their home with a military dog on July 3.

Speaking to the BBC, the victim's mother warned the Israeli military about Muhammad's condition: "Take care of him, he is disabled. Don't let the dog get close to him," he said, but all his efforts were in vain.

"The dog attacked him, bit him on the chest and then on his hand. "Mohammed didn't speak, he just moaned, 'No, no, no,'" Nabila told the BBC.

After the attack, Israeli soldiers separated Muhammad from his family and forced him to die without help. When the family returned home, they found Muhammad lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"We couldn't save him from them or the dog," says Nabila.

It is noted that this situation was first reported by the BBC under the title "The lonely death of a Gazan man with Down syndrome". This caused intense protests among network users. The headline was later changed to "Gaza man with Down syndrome attacked and mauled to death by Israeli army dog, mother says."

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