One of the prisoners released as part of the prisoner exchange agreement reached between Israel and Hamas said that they were worried about the lives of Israelis in the hands of Hamas , "We were not afraid of Hamas , but that Israel might kill us ." Then they would say, " Hamas killed you ," he said. This was reported by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, TRT news reports .

According to the publication, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of the Israeli War Cabinet met with the families of the released Israeli prisoners. During the interview, the former prisoners criticized the Israeli government.

"We felt like we didn't know what was going on outside. You claim intelligence, but the truth is we were bombed," one prisoner said of Israel's bombing of Gaza.

One of the released women, whose husband is still under Hamas, spoke about Israel's plan to fill the Hamas tunnels with sea water: “She was taken to the tunnels and you are talking about filling the tunnels with sea water. "You are giving priority to politics over prisoners," he said.

"You don't know where the captives are"

Another ex-convict expressed concern for the lives of Israelis still trapped by Israel's relentless bombing of Gaza, saying, "What I see on TV scares me the most. I see (Israeli) explosions and you have no idea where the prisoners are. I was in a house surrounded by explosives. "We slept in tunnels and were afraid that Israel would kill us, not Hamas. Then they would say: 'Hamas killed you,'" he said.

Another of the prisoners said that they felt that nothing was being done for them, that their places of detention were bombed, that they were forced to flee with injuries, and that a helicopter fired at them.

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