The number of victims of Israel's aggression in Gaza reached 22,438, and 57,614 Palestinians were injured. - Anatolia

The Israeli army fired again at the office of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Khan Yunus, Gaza Strip: 7 people were wounded. 14,000 internally displaced Palestinians have taken refuge in this office. - Al Jazeera

Turkey sent humanitarian aid to Gaza by ship, consisting of 109 trucks with a total weight of 2,334 tons. This load includes food, hygiene products and basic necessities. - Anatolia

On January 2 , Salih al-Aruri, the Deputy Chairman of the Political Bureau of Hamas, in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. and 6 of his companions were reportedly killed by 6 guided missiles of 100 kg each, fired from an Israeli fighter jet into the building. - Yedioth Ahronoth

The Israeli army has launched the "third phase" of hostilities in several areas of the blockaded Gaza Strip. " Phase 3" involves a transition from intensive bombing to limited bombing and the withdrawal of most troops from the Gaza Strip to the border. - KAN TV channel

Since October 7, when the attacks on the Gaza Strip began, the number of Israeli soldiers killed has reached 509, and the number of injured has reached 2,309. 175 of them were killed during the ground operations of the Israeli forces in the Palestinian enclave. - Haaretz

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, strongly condemned the "irresponsible and provocative statements" of Israeli ministers calling for the migration of Gazans to other countries . - TRT

The International Court of Justice confirmed that a public hearing will be held on January 11-12 regarding the claim of the Republic of South Africa against Israel. - Al Jazeera

Four Hezbollah members were killed in the latest Israeli strikes on the southern Lebanese city of Naqura . The leader of the movement, Hassan Nasrallah, said that his armed forces will fight to the end if Israel starts a war against Lebanon. - Al Jazeera

U.S. Department of Education Senior Policy Advisor Tari R Habash on President Joe Biden's Palestine-Israel War resigned as a protest against his approach . " The President should call for a permanent ceasefire ," he wrote on the X social network on Wednesday. - Anatolia

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