The Ministry of Health of Gaza reported that the number of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks since October 7 increased by 241 to 20,915 in the last 24 hours , 382 were injured, and the number of wounded reached 54,918. - Al Jazeera

Since October 7, the number of Palestinians killed in attacks by Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem has reached 305. - Anatolia

The Israeli Air Force struck more than 100 targets in the Gaza Strip during the day. - Anatolia

A preliminary investigation into the killing of three Israeli prisoners who were "accidentally shot" by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip on December 15 revealed that the soldiers were "ordered to kill all men who could fight". - Haber Global

Israel's Ministry of Finance reported that since October 7, Palestinian workers from the West Bank have been barred from entering Israel, which is costing the country's economy 3 billion shekels ($830 million) every month. - Independent

It was reported that Israel has spent 18 billion dollars from the budget, which is equivalent to the country's annual defense costs, for the massacre it is carrying out in Gaza, excluding the US aid. - TRT .

The Japanese government has expressed its support for the Palestinian right to self-determination and the two-state solution in the Middle East, and will continue to provide political and financial support to Palestine. - Number of minutes

Tel Aviv has agreed to give $3.2 billion to Intel Corporation of America to build a new $25 billion chip manufacturing plant in southern Israel next year. - Al Jazeera

A synagogue in Los Angeles has decided to hold its first Shabbat service at a different location due to anti-Israel protests nearby. - Haaretz

No one was injured in the evening explosion in front of the Israeli embassy in the capital of India, New Delhi, and a threatening letter addressed to the ambassador was found near the embassy. - Ynet

As a result of the launch of an anti-tank missile from Lebanon, nine Israeli soldiers were injured, TsAKHAL reported that one of them died, and Israel retaliated against Hezbollah positions. – Haaretz

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