It was reported that the Israeli army is preparing to stop its ground attacks on the Gaza Strip in the coming weeks.

"According to operational successes, the Israeli army is preparing to enter the third phase of the conflict in Gaza in the coming weeks," Israel's KAN state television reported, citing unnamed sources.

Israeli officials said, "The third phase includes the cessation of ground maneuvers in the Gaza Strip, reduction of forces, demobilization of reserve forces, transition to airstrikes, and the creation of a buffer zone on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip."

The report also noted that the Israeli army "has taken control of a large part of the territory in the north of the Gaza Strip, but is facing great difficulties in advancing in the southern region."

Earlier, Israel's "Channel 13" television reported that Golani soldiers, one of the "elite" infantry brigades within the Israeli army, had left Gaza to "reorganize and revitalize their ranks."

The Walla website noted that "the Golani brigade, which spent more than 70 days and lost 44 soldiers, left Gaza for a few days to visit the soldiers' families."

The Israeli army has officially admitted that 472 of its soldiers have been killed, 139 of them in ground attacks, since the start of attacks on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Also, 784 officers and soldiers have been wounded in the Gaza Strip since October 27, when ground attacks began. 179 of them were seriously injured, 302 were moderately injured, and 303 were lightly injured.


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