Continued attacks from Lebanon are forcing Israel to launch a ground operation against Hezbollah. Daniel Hagari, the spokesman of the Israeli army, who was heavily shelled last week, said this.

"Hezbollah's growing offensive is pushing us toward a larger-scale escalation that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region," Hagari said.

Since the beginning of May, clashes between Hezbollah and Israel along the border have intensified. The occupying power last week targeted one of the commanders of the Lebanese group, Talib Abdullah, who is the most senior Hezbollah official killed by the Zionists during the fighting.

In response, Hezbollah launched a massive rocket attack in northern Israel - on June 12, it stunned the invaders with more than 200 rockets.

After that, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Janine Hennis-Plassert and the head of the UN peacekeeping force, Aroldo Lazaro, expressed their "deep concern" over the escalation of the situation.

US officials also fear the possibility of a full-scale war between Israel and Lebanon. In particular, Amos Hochstein, the senior adviser of US President Joe Biden, went to Beirut and Tel Aviv to call for a compromise between the two sides.

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