In Sweden, a Muslim employee was fired on his first day of work for not shaking hands with a woman in accordance with Islamic rules , SwedInfo wrote.

The man was employed by the Herrid city administration . A female colleague extended her hand to meet him , but the religious servant refused to shake it, saying that in Islam it is forbidden to touch foreign women and that he can only shake hands with close relatives.

The management immediately terminated the employment contract without respecting the new employee's religious views . The dismissed person considered it to be religious discrimination and applied to the Ombudsman. The case is currently under consideration.

No decision has been made on this yet. If the ombudsman finds that discrimination has occurred, the municipality may have to pay damages.

"The reason for the decision to terminate the employment contract was that the female employees felt insulted because they were treated differently and it was only due to their gender. Employees must greet each other regardless of gender or sexual orientation. We have reasonable concerns that he may not be able to fully perform his duties when physical contact with other employees is required. SHE IS it creates discomfort in physical contact with our customers, which has a negative effect on them," said the Herrid administration .

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