It has been 17 4 days since Israel launched its war of aggression and destruction in the Gaza Strip . 24 hours of major events in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the entire Middle East.

▪️ Invaders attacked Shujaya, Khan Yunis and Bayt Lahiya areas. 102 Palestinians were killed in 24 hours .

▪️ Since October 7, 32,490 people have been killed and 74,889 injured as a result of Israel's attacks in the Gaza Strip .

▪️ In Qalandiya and Nablus in the West Bank, the raiders injured 5 Palestinian youths and arrested more than 20 people.

▪️ The attackers struck during the meeting of the People's Committee responsible for providing aid in southern Gaza. 4 people were martyred.

▪️ 3 Jewish settlers were injured as a result of an attack on a bus in the city of Al-Ajja, located north of Jericho. The attackers managed to escape.

▪️ Hezbollah attacked the cities of Gorn and Gornit in Western Galilee.

▪️ Demonstrations in support of Gaza in Jordan have not stopped for four days.

▪️ About 70 attacks were carried out by resistance fighters against the invaders near Shifo. " These high-profile attacks indicate that Palestinian militants have maintained a significant level of combat effectiveness ," the ISW Institute for the Study of War said .

▪️ Al Jazeera released footage showing two Palestinians walking along the Gaza Strip, shot dead by invaders, then bulldozed and buried.

▪️ US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that four Houthi drones were destroyed in Yemen.

▪️ Bloomberg: Despite the US and its allies using expensive fighter jets against the Houthis, they have not been able to stop the movement from attacking cargo ships and American warships.

For the first time in 50 years, the V-Dem institute in Sweden excluded Israel from the category of liberal democracies. Transparency has disappeared in Israeli politics, the rule of law has been violated. The Netanyahu government is attacking the judicial system, the institute wrote in its report.

▪️ Turkey sent to Palestine a ship loaded with humanitarian cargo weighing 2960 tons containing 125,000 food packages prepared by AFAD in cooperation with the General Directorate of Funds of Turkey. This is the eighth ship loaded with humanitarian aid from Turkey for the people of the Gaza Strip.

▪️ In response to a broader boycott initiative, Indonesia's Council of Ulama (theologians) announced that it has banned the purchase and consumption of Israeli-grown dates as haram under Islamic law.

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