The former deputy secretary general of the UN and coordinator of humanitarian aid to Iraq, German diplomat Hans von Sponeck told the Anadolu reporter at the TRT World Forum held in Turkey last week that the current world order based on impunity and the conclusion that the strong have the right is unstable and needs reforms.

He said that those who break the law cannot go unpunished and should be held accountable .

Pointing to the conflicting attitudes of European governments and civil society groups regarding Israel's attacks on Gaza, Sponek cited Germany as an example and said, "The government says, 'We must support Israel,' while the opposition says, 'We do not accept Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank.'" , he said".

Sponek said that while people in Europe are demonstrating in support of Palestine, it is unacceptable for countries to side with Israel and try to prevent them from supporting Palestine.

Stressing that everyone should have the right to express themselves in democratic regimes, Sponek said that "the basic principle of a state that claims to be governed by democracy" is that everyone, whether Palestinian, German or of any other nationality, can express their opinion freely as long as it does not call for violence.

Sponek also criticized the UN structure and called for reforms.

Noting that the UN has many faces, Sponek said, "The UN has a political face, a legal face, a judicial face. The UN also has an executive face ... There are also organizations that provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine, Gaza and other places. "It is necessary to reform at the political level. This should not be allowed anymore," he said.

"The current world order that we have is not sustainable for people. It should not be a world that starts a war and goes on without any punishment, without accountability, only with impunity. Because you think that the strong, not the righteous, are respected," Sponek said about the current world order.

"We need to make everyone answer for what they have done. We need to take responsibility by praising and helping people who do good things. We need to be able to punish those who break the law," Sponek said.

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