The President of Turkey stated that the current situation in the Gaza Strip cannot be maintained

It was noted that he will not remain silent in front of the events taking place in the Palestinian enclave.

Turkey has suspended trade relations with Israel, despite the fact that the trade turnover between the two countries has reached 9.5 billion dollars.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told reporters at the end of Friday prayers in Istanbul.

- The volume of bilateral trade amounted to 9.5 billion dollars. Nevertheless, Turkey closed this door," said the Turkish leader.

President Erdoğan also noted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's actions regarding Gaza prevented the rapprochement between Turkey and Israel.

In particular, he recalled his talks with the Prime Minister of Israel, which took place in New York shortly before the events of October 7, within the framework of the UN General Assembly.

"But Netanyahu showed his cruelty to children, women and the elderly," he said.

At the same time, the Turkish leader drew attention to the fact that Israel is committing aggression in the Gaza Strip with the support of Western countries, primarily the United States.

The head of state said that the current situation in the Gaza Strip cannot be maintained and

He added that he will not remain silent in the face of the events taking place in the Palestinian enclave.

"Until today, Israel has brutally killed 40,000-45,000 Palestinians. It is unthinkable that we Muslims are silently watching what is happening," he said.

Earlier, the Ministry of Trade of Turkey announced that it has completely stopped trade relations with Israel.

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