Britain has sharply reduced arms sales to Israel because of the massacre in Gaza

After the massacre in Gaza, the UK drastically reduced its arms sales to Israel. This was reported by "Reuters" news agency based on its sources.

It is noted that the number of arms export permits has decreased by 95% compared to the pre-war level.

Yet the kingdom, known for its cunning foreign policy, has approved more than 100 arms export licenses to Zionists since the start of the devastating war in the Gaza Strip.

For this reason, in April of this year, more than 600 lawyers called on the government to prevent the genocide in Palestine.

According to the data, the value of the licenses approved by the United Kingdom from October 7 to December 31, 2023 was $1.09 million. The kingdom sold weapons to the Zionists worth $20 million in the same period of 2022 and $235 million in 2017.

Unlike the United States, the British government does not sell weapons directly to Israel, but instead issues licenses to companies to sell them. And legal experts check their compliance with international law.

At the moment, a judicial investigation into the sale of arms to the Jewish state is underway in Great Britain with the participation of the Global Network of Legal Action and the initiative of the Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haqq.

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