Anti-Semitic texts in the Bible may be banned under new anti-Semitism legislation passed by the US House of Representatives. If the law goes into effect, the 300,000 Christians in the United States will not be able to freely quote Scripture and will be forced to think before they speak about the crucifixion of Jesus, and they will also be prohibited from criticizing the state of Israel.
"Know ye, and all the people of Israel, that this man standeth before you in health, because of the name of Jesus Christ, whom ye crucified, and whom God raised from the dead!" Acts 4:10
This and other biblical texts may be banned in the United States under new anti-Semitism legislation passed by the US House of Representatives, Sabah writes.
Among the banned statements approved by American lawmakers, the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance included references to "Jews crucifying Jesus."
320 members of parliament voted in favor of banning the Bible text, 71 voted against, and 20 abstained.
If the bill passes, the 300,000 Christians in the United States will no longer be able to freely quote Scripture and be forced to think before they speak about the crucifixion of Jesus, and they will also be prohibited from criticizing the state of Israel. Currently, the law does not prohibit criticism of the United States.

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