Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, professor at the University of Exeter in Britain and director of the European Center for Palestine Studies, listed five signs that the Zionist project is coming to an end.

Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, a professor at the University of Exeter in England and the director of the European Center for Palestine Studies, took part in a symposium held in Haifa on January 13.

In his speech, he listed five signs that indicate "the end of the Zionist project." He also called on the Palestinian Liberation Movement to fill the gap created to avoid long-term chaos like in Syria, other countries of the Arab world and North Africa.

Scholar Ilan Pappe cited "the civil war between the secular and religious camps in the Israeli Jewish community until October 7 of last year" as the first sign of the decline of the Zionist project.

The second sign is the unprecedented global support for Palestine and the willingness of most sympathizers to "accept the anti-apartheid model that played a decisive role in dismantling the apartheid regime in South Africa."  

The third symptom is related to the economic factor. It "contains the highest gap between the haves and the have-nots..." ( Azon Global Commentary : In 2023, Israel spent $53 billion (198 billion shekels) on the fight against Hamas. The war is costing Israel $260 million a day. In addition, the country's economy suffers a lot as a result of the call-up of 350,000 military personnel, the ban on 100 Palestinian workers from entering the territory of Israel.

The fourth indicator is "the failure of the Israeli forces to help the families of the dead and wounded Jews and to protect the 120,000 Jewish refugees who were displaced from the north after October 7."

According to the professor, the last sign concerns the attitude of a new generation of Jews (especially in the US), who, unlike in the past, do not believe in Israel's ability to protect against the next Holocaust and waves of anti-Semitism.

Before coming to Britain, Pappe worked as a historian and politician in Israel. He is the author of several books, including The Largest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Despite the dramatic increase in sales of his works, many publishers canceled their contracts with Pappe during the Gaza massacre. In his homeland, the scientist was accused of being "one of the most absurd historians in the world."

According to Pappe, Israel is the only country in the world that lobbies not for its policies, but for its existence. He said that the main task of Israel is to monitor the Arab countries. The main goal of the USA and Great Britain is to use the energy resources of the region.

In his opinion, the Zionist project is a colonial project doomed to failure from the beginning. Because it only creates problems and conflicts. But he seems to be trying to take as many lives as he can to live.

The USA and other crazy people will be bankrupted to join their bloody feast. The reason is that they spend a lot of money, time and effort on "failed business".

Netanyahu's government is already silencing and alienating Israelis who are raising questions and participating in protests. Protesters are declared "enemies of the state", subversive forces. Eventually, they are placed under surveillance or join the ranks of Palestinian political prisoners.

The invasion of Gaza by Israeli troops and the massacre of the Palestinian population bear all the signs of the enslavement of Eastern European countries by Hitler's army with its own cruelty and barbarity. The problem is that the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza is fueling centuries of hatred and antagonism towards Israelis. Benjamin Netanyahu brought the country to the brink. This is the beginning of the decline of the only apartheid ethno-state left in the world.

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