The biggest protest since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas took place in Jerusalem. Organizers of the demonstration, which drew more than 100,000 people, are demanding the government's resignation and agreeing to a deal that would lead to the release of 130 Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. Protesters plan four days of rallies and events across Jerusalem this week.

More than 100,000 people gathered in front of the Israeli parliament - the Knesset and demanded the resignation of the government. The mass protest was the largest since the war between Israel and Hamas.

Demonstrators called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government to resign, to hold early elections in the country, and for the Israeli leadership to agree to a hostage deal that would lead to the release of 130 Israelis held hostage in the Gaza Strip.

Demonstrators marched to the Knesset before a demonstration that began around 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening, kicking off four days of protests against the government.

The rally outside the Knesset building was initiated by a coalition of anti-government protest movements, including Kaplan Forse and Brothers in Arms, which are planning four days of protests and rallies in Jerusalem this week.

The organizers reported that more than 100,000 people took part in the rally, and the mass media reported that tens of thousands of people took part in the rally.

Anti-Netanyahu groups turned to Prime Minister Netanyahu with slogans such as " You are responsible , you are guilty", " Agreement (on exchange of prisoners) is now ", " Elections are now " and demanded the resignation of the government.

After the main protest ended, some participants blocked the nearby Begin highway and lit bonfires on the road, but were later chased away by police. At the same time, other protesters tried to block the entrance to Jerusalem near the String Bridge and clashed with law enforcement agencies. At least one protester was arrested, police said.

After a mass demonstration against the government, protesters set up more than 100 tents near the Knesset. The row of tents stretches from the Knesset to the middle of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Next to the private sleeping tents are larger logistical tents set up by various protest movements participating in the demonstration, as well as two life-size model tanks brought by Yom Kippur War veterans.

Protesters plan four days of rallies and events across Jerusalem this week.

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