The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, announced that during the raids in the country, 30,000 immigrants who received Russian citizenship were found (they do not count foreigners as their own, even if they receive citizenship), and 10,000 immigrants with Russian citizenship took part in the war in Ukraine.

The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastriykin, announced that 10,000 immigrants who received Russian citizenship took part in the war in Ukraine.

He spoke about this in his speech at the International Legal Forum in St. Petersburg.

According to him, emigrants were mainly sent to the war to serve behind the front, in the units building fortifications.

"We have begun to implement the provisions of the Constitution and our laws, which state that persons who have received citizenship must register in the military and, if necessary, participate in special military operations," said Bastrykin.

He also noted that more than 30,000 immigrants who received Russian citizenship were registered during the raids.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Investigative Committee announced that more than 1.2 million immigrants arrived in the Russian capital in the four months of 2024.

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