The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people over the past years, is once again in the center of attention of the world community. Well, this conflict, which has been going on for centuries, makes everyone wonder, "Actually, who does Palestine belong to: the Arabs or the Jews?" makes you think about the question.

According to the sources, it is claimed that Jews lived in today's Palestine and established a state there in 800 BC. In fact, there is information confirming that Arabs lived in this area in that period as well as in earlier periods. Arabs lived in the region from present-day Gaza to Tel Abyat, while Jews also lived in this area.

It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him, moved from the lands of Canaan to the territories of Palestine. It is known that he is Khalilur Rahman, the father of Prophets, one of the Prophets of Ulul Azm, and he has a great rank in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Another important piece of information is that according to the Old Testament, Jehovah, that is, God, promised the children of Israel the land from the Nile River to the Frode River. Therefore, these lands are called Arzimavud, that is, the promised lands. The movement to build the great state of Israel begins in the areas between the two rivers.

All the actions, wars, and political tricks of the Zionists sitting on top of the state of Israel today, as well as their ancestors, are all aimed at this main goal. Furthermore, according to researchers who have studied the Talmud, a corrupt interpretation of the Torah, this promised land is not as large as the current Zionists claim.

Zionists promote the idea of owning not only the Promised Land, but the whole world. They claim that the Jews are a superior race and all mankind should serve them.

At the same time, the Old Testament mentions the ancient ancestors of the Palestinians - Arab peoples called "Palestinians". Big and small conflicts and conflicts between Jews and Palestinians go back to those times.

Jews settled in the territory of Egypt in later times. In the story of Yusuf alayhissalam in the Holy Qur'an, it is stated that Jews migrated to Egypt from those times and dispersed. They were respected there until the time of Moses, and then they became slaves of the Copts of Pharaoh's people.

Pharaoh, the arrogant king who puts himself above everyone, does unprecedented oppression to them. The Jew executes the men and enslaves the women. The great task that God entrusted to Musa, peace be upon him, was to take the people of Bani Israel, who fell under the oppression of the Pharaoh, from the lands of Egypt and resettle them in the lands around the blessed Jerusalem.

So, why is Jerusalem a blessed place for the Jews? During their entire history, the Jews once had their strong centralized state, kingdom, and kingdom. According to the Qur'an, a person named Tolut entered into a battle with the Amalekites in this area and, as a result of their defeat, established the first Jewish state. According to historical sources, the Amolites are the ancient ancestors of the Arabs. It is clear from this that Arabs, the ancestors of today's Palestinians, lived in this area at that time.

After Tolut gained power and established a state, in a short time both the prophet and King Dawood, peace be upon him, took over the government. The Jewish state reached the peak of its development during the reign of Solomon, the son of David. Solomon, peace be upon him, built a synagogue and a temple in Jerusalem. With the construction of this temple in Quddus Sharif, the importance and respect of this place will increase. In particular, it becomes a blessed place for Jews.

In 587 BC, the Jews rebelled for the third time. The ruler of Babylon, Nabukat Nasr II, razed the temple of Solomon to the ground and exiled the Jews from there to Babylon and its surrounding areas. Exile life lasts until 539 BC.

In 539 BC, the king of the Persian Empire, Kai the Great, defeated the Babylonians and allowed the Jews to come to Jerusalem and the surrounding areas of Syria. Returning from 40 years of exile, they weep under the foundations of the ruined temple of Solomon, remembering the sad stories. The history of today's "Wailing Wall" dates back to this period. He helps the Jews to rebuild the temples of the Persian king Solomon.

In 63 BC, the Roman Empire expelled the Persians from the territory and established its own power. In 66 BC, the Roman Empire again destroys the temple of Solomon.

After Solomon, the Jews were never able to form a centralized state. They lived in tribes and rebelled against the kingdoms that invaded them. As a result, their temples will be destroyed and they themselves will be exiled. In the 1st-4th centuries AD, under the rule of the Roman Empire, Christianity was accepted as the main religion. After the Roman emperor and the entire ruling circles converted to Christianity, the hatred of Judaism increased. The reason is that according to the beliefs of the Christian religion, Jesus, the son of God, was hanged on a cross by the Jews. After that, they will not only be forbidden to enter Jerusalem, but will also be expelled from their territories of the entire Roman Empire. Since there is a belief that the Jews killed Jesus on the cross in Quddus Sharif, Quddus Sharif is also considered a holy and blessed city by Christians.

In history, these lands are not called "Palestine" but "Sham". The oppression of the Jews continued until the Muslims conquered this area.

In 638 AD, Caliph Umar ibn Khattab, may God bless him and grant him peace, conquered the Front of Sham. At that time, Jerusalem was ruled by Christian priests. Hazrat Umar arrives from Madinah after the non-Romans insisted that "we will hand over the key of the city to your caliph personally". The caliph negotiates with the high priest and writes a contract to them. It was the first international agreement of its kind.

Later Muslim dynasties used this amonnama of Hazrat Umar as a basis in their international relations. State administration in the Ottoman period is a clear example of this. Caliph Umar, may God bless him and grant him peace, allows Christians and Jews to re-enter this area, pray and live in peace. The Jews, who lived as wanderers for a long time, had the opportunity to live comfortably during the Muslim era.

In the following periods, the kingdoms changed, and after the Rashiduns, the caliphate was passed to the Umayyads, Abbasids, Zangis, and Ayyubids. It was under the control of Muslim dynasties until Salahuddin Ayyubid period. From the time of Sulayman to the present time, the Jews did not have a say there. Only occasionally was there Muslim or Christian rule. As a result of the increase of the Crusades, the Christians occupied it for a certain period of time, Salahiddin Ayyubi recaptured it, and his rule lasted for a whole century. Then these lands were under the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. The Jews lived and prayed in peace.

The places where the Jews were moved are mainly the regions of today's European countries. Europe was also under the rule of Christianity under the strict rule of the church. Jews were never considered equal to the people of Europe, they were always considered inferior. He did not live in small areas because of his strong hatred of people. Life forced them to live together in big cities in their centers in special places called "Ghettos". Although they live in different European countries, they are not conscripted. They are not allowed to work not only in high government positions, but also in government offices. That's why old-Tusks made a living by selling them. Little by little, he was engaged in money exchange, i.e. money circulation, and created banking. Land was not sold to the Jews, and there was no opportunity for farming. It was not possible to be a private land owner in Europe or other places. Only trade was possible. Being strictly engaged in this field, he gradually moved from currency exchange to banking, and from banking to stock trading. For the first time in the history of mankind, he started multiplying money by money, making profit, i.e. interest trading.

By the 19th century, the Jews had become very wealthy people. Although he lived as a wanderer throughout his history, he tried to preserve his identity, fearing the danger of being assimilated into a foreign people. First of all, in the struggle for survival, he clung to his religion. Strictly following the traditions, they strengthened relations with the nearby Jews. But they always lived scattered. The reason is that it is characteristic of the Jews to always create a conspiracy and mischief. They are never a peaceful people. Not only according to Islamic sources, but if we look at the history of mankind, no matter which kingdom he lived under, he was engaged in activities aimed at disrupting the peace of that region. That's why he always lived in exile, ban, emigrant life. There is no European nation or state that has not persecuted this nation.

In particular, if we look at the lives of Jews who immigrated to the Emirate of Bukhara, they lived in fear of being separated from people and attracting attention. They are afraid that if they join the society, their wealth will be confiscated and they will be deprived of their homes. Mainly, they were engaged in clandestine professions such as jewelry and shoe repair. People who live in such a situation are naturally entrepreneurial, careful and thrifty.

Centuries of hardship have forced both Palestinians and Jews to be prepared for any eventuality and take additional measures.

Palestinians are also a business-minded and fighting people. Currently, Palestinians work in prominent positions in Arab countries. They became experts in advanced technologies, qualified engineers, high-class doctors and many other professions.

In the 19th century, Jews made some progress in finance and philosophy. The post-revolutionary environment helped to gradually restore their stature.

In 1860, the ideological leader of the State of Israel, Hungarian Jew Theodore Herzl was born. He wrote a book in 1896 called Deryuden Stat. The wealthy leader began to write letters to Jews around the world urging them to unite around the idea of creating an independent state and take practical action. In 1892, the first world congress of Zionists was held in Basel, Sweden. In this congress, prominent Jewish rich people and people of Jewish opinion gathered in one place. They developed ideas about the Jewish state to be built and moved on to practical actions. In 1901, Theodor Herzl met the then Ottoman king Abdülhamid II for the first time. The reason for the meeting was the purchase of Palestinian land under the Ottomans.

Theodor Herzl asks Abdülhamid II for the lands of Palestine in exchange for paying off foreign debts. Abdülhamid II strongly refused saying that "places acquired by blood cannot be sold for wealth". Theodor Herzl tried to persuade Abdülhamid II several more times, but to no avail. Abdülhamid II implements a number of measures to make it difficult for Jews to immigrate to this region. Unfortunately, by 1914, under another ruler, the number of Jews would exceed ninety thousand.

In the First World War in 1914, the Ottoman Empire, which had lost its former glory and power, entered the war on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary. In 1918, it was defeated in the war and completely collapsed. In 1917, before the end of the war, British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour wrote a letter to one of the Zionist leaders, Walter Rodshill. In the letter, he says that he is not against the creation of a Jewish state on Palestinian land, but rather that he will support it as much as he can. By this, England had two things in mind: the first was to win the sympathy of the Jews in America by showing their goodwill and to induce them to attack America. The second is to send its troops there as a peacekeeping force and preserve the integrity of the Suez Canal, which it owns. After the end of the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was overthrown, and the territories of Palestine officially came under the control of England.

The migration of Jews to the Palestinian lands will accelerate somewhat. In addition, the Nazi movement that began in Europe helped. The Nazis led by Hitler first remained in the territories of Germany and Austria, but started the movement of "anti-Semitism" against the Jews in the whole of Europe. Expressing his hostility as a race, he puts forward the idea that "Jews must disappear from the world." In some sources, there is information that Hitler was deliberately encouraged to do this. That is, people who look like Jews kill several Germans in protest, and the situation becomes tense again. It deepens the Nazis' centuries-old hatred of the Jews and leads to the massacre. These actions will further accelerate the migration of Jews from all over Europe to the land of Palestine.

In 1945, after the war, the number of Jews in this region exceeded 500,000, making up a little more than 30% of the entire population. After the Second World War, the British Empire, completely exhausted, is thinking of a way to get rid of its colonies around the world. At that time, he entrusted the fate of Palestine to the newly formed League of Nations.

On October 23, 1947, the League of Nations decided to establish the state of Israel on 56 percent of its territory, and the state of Palestine on 42 percent, and the decision that 2 percent, that is, Jerusalem and its surroundings, will remain an inviolable territory with international status. 57 member states of the League of Nations participate in the voting process. 33 out of 57 countries support the decision to establish the state of Israel. 13 countries, including Turkey, reject this decision. Because 13 countries reject the unjustified distribution of 42% of the territory to the previously living population and 56% to the new immigrants. 10 countries abstain and one country does not participate in the vote, and by a majority vote itself, the decision is made that the state of Israel is established.

On May 14, 1948, the Jewish Council in Tel Aviv officially announced the establishment of the independent state of Israel. The surrounding Arab states, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, which are dissatisfied with the creation of the state of Israel, declare war against the new state. This war is the first Arab war against Israel. Historians argue that the purpose of the war was to help their fellow Palestinians. But by March 1949, the newly established state of Israel not only won the war, but also expanded the 57 percent of the land allotted to it to 78 percent. The remaining territory of Palestine - the Gaza region - is occupied by the state of Egypt, and the state of the West Bank is occupied by the state of Jordan. Due to the war, the state of Palestine was not formed, but the state of Israel expanded its territories. In 1956, France and England, who did not want to lose the Suez Canal, provoked Israel against Egypt. Unfortunately, the state of the USSR, which existed at that time, strongly opposes this. He gives his ultimatum to the western country, that is, to the capitalist camp led by America: "Let Israel withdraw its army as soon as possible, otherwise we will take the necessary measures." America, France, and England will withdraw, and Israel will be forced to leave the occupied territory, that is, the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza.

The second Arab-Israeli war will take place in 1967. At the start of the war, the Israeli Air Force took early action, destroying more than 300 Egyptian Air Force fighter jets while they were at the airfield. After the destruction of the air forces of Jordan and Syria, the complete superiority will be transferred to the hands of Israel, and the five Arab countries will be defeated shamefully. In 1973, there will be another war. Disagreement, quarrels and riots will become a hotbed of eternal war. In 1993, the Oslo Accords officially recognized the State of Palestine as a state in a symbolic sense, and the administration of Gaza was given to Palestine. In 1995, the West Bank was handed over to the Palestinian Authority under certain conditions. This situation continues to this day.

Unfortunately, in the period up to this time, the state of Israel has consistently occupied the land of Palestine, and Palestine is on the verge of extinction. Israel controls more than 90 percent of the territory.

Today's historians have different views on the above issue. In particular, the main reason for the oppression of the Palestinians is the betrayal of the people against the Ottomans and the fact that they willingly sold land to the Jews. But as a refutation to this idea, it can be said that the Ottoman state, which was exhausted at that time, was on the verge of disintegration. The Jews quoted a price ten times higher than the market price at that time for the yards. But there were very few people who agreed to this proposal. We can see that if we calculate the sold land in relation to the total area, not even 1 percent comes out.

It is clear from this that the Palestinians had special loyalty and respect for their land. The accusations of experts in quotation marks, who did not understand the historical truth and did not study it more deeply, are inappropriate and groundless. Today, no one doubts that the state of Israel, created by injustice, is a barbaric criminal, a bloodthirsty tyrant. They are determined to push out the Palestinians, try to physically destroy them, force them to leave their territory, kill them, blow them up if they don't leave, and completely wipe out the nation and state called Palestine from the history of mankind. Unfortunately, the world community has not yet taken any practical action. Humanity is witnessing with its own eyes that slogans such as children's rights, women's rights, and human rights are high-flying words used only for self-interest.

We believe and believe that this conspiracy, oppression, falsehood will not last long, that Allah Almighty will save his believing, oppressed servants from the hands of oppressors.

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