This is our sixth lesson on deism. In our previous lesson, our analysis was about blessings. In this lesson, we will analyze the topic of ownership. Our interlocutor is another deist. We turn to him:

- If you have a large property, if you want to show your wealth and greatness with it and show it. If you have tenants in your property... Everything is yours and you show your wealth and high status, if people think that your property belongs to someone else and talk to each other like this: "This land belongs to Ahmed, this is Mahmud's, that place is Ali's, this is Vali's..." People and if they make your tenants sharers in your property in this way, they will say to them: "O inhabitants! This property belongs entirely to me. My country. The people you suspect are the owners of the place are my tenants. Do you not say that I have no partner in my property?

Of course, if you say these and similar words, you will not agree with the distribution of your property. Now we ask another question:

- Saying that it harms my wealth and my attention, without agreeing to the distribution of your property, will you agree that others share in the property of God, who is the real owner of all existence from particles to atoms? Does he allow his property to be suspected of belonging to others? Does the greatness and majesty allow it?

Of course, he will not allow and will not agree. As long as Allah wants it to be known that all wealth belongs to Him, He sends prophets and reveals books. That we may know Him as the sole owner of the property. If there are no prophets, we will be lost, and we can divide His wealth between God and His creatures.

Look at the peoples to whom no prophet was sent or who did not listen to his prophet even if he was sent. Some are atheists and attribute chance, causes, and nature to God's property. The other part found false gods. They say, for example: “The sky belongs to Zeus, under his control. Poseidon rules the seas...” They say many more such things and divide the wealth of God among others.

Allah Almighty sent a prophet to announce that He is the sole owner of all property, sent down books and warned: "O My servants, all property belongs to Me. I don't have a partner in my property. All existence, from the particle to the sun, belongs to Me. Do not associate with me in my Zinhar property, do not divide my property between me and them, as this does not suit my greatness and dignity.

The sending of prophets is necessary in this respect and it is as clear as the oneness of God.

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