In our seventh lesson, we turn to another deist, relying on our old style:

- Every being in this world is a divine book, and its pages reflect a number of names and qualities of its author. If you like, let's read a flower in this way. It is clear from this reading that our creator created the creatures like a book and mentioned most of their names in these works.

The flower, in terms of being created from nothing, is God's Creator, Messenger and Messenger; Mujammil with beauty; Muzayin with ornaments; Razzaq, Muqyt and Wahhab with full sustenance and satisfaction of whatever needs they have; Mulawvin by color; Musavvir with his photo; Hakim with wisdom attached to him; Hafiz, with the entire program written in the seed; Muhyi with his life; with the death of Mumiyt; Soni with art; Perfect with gradual maturity;   Fattah when it opens as a flower; as it changes from one form to another, it reflects the name of Muhavvil. The one who created the flower, who knows for sure, with this the name of Alim; the one who has power over everything, thereby showing the name of the Almighty.

As if this flower is Asmoul Husno's book, rasta and mirror. We will not dwell on this book for a long time so that our conversation will not be long. Otherwise, if we read properly, we will not be able to stop reading for hours.

It is known that when a book is difficult to understand, there is a need for someone to understand and explain it. If the book is both incomprehensible and without interpretation, it means that it was written in vain.

From our earlier comments, you have understood that each being is a book of its own. But we cannot read the writings of this book. Perhaps you are hearing such words for the first time. Now we want to ask you something:

- Who will read and explain to us what is written in the books of existence?

They cannot be overcome by reason alone. If so, then we need prophets to read and teach these scriptures.

There are two ways: Either prophets are sent and recite to us the divine names and attributes and other writings in the books of existence. Or these books will remain unopened.

- Which one do you think Allah will choose?

Will he agree that his written books will remain unread, will his wisdom allow it?

- If he did not teach, would he create beings like a book?

- If it is not difficult for God to send a prophet and send down books, why would he leave these books without a teacher? Why condemn it to meaninglessness?

A little while ago we read a passage about a flower. But you probably haven't tried to read like that. The reason is that you did not listen to a prophet's lesson; and ours is that we listened to the teachings of the Prophet and followed the prophet. This kind of reading was taught to us by Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an that was revealed to him. If we did not listen to his teachings, we would think that the flower is just a creature like you. We would take a look at it, smell it a bit, and leave. However, you yourself have witnessed that the flower is not just a creature, on the contrary, it is like a divine book and poem.

Since every flower, every creature is such a work, divine names and attributes are written on it, we need teachers to teach us to read them. And these teachers are prophets. The sending of prophets is as certain as the existence of the books of existence.

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