Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad Mustafa, the last of the Prophets.
What every servant has to say is important. Because servants are responsible in three ways: 1. From language; 2. From the heart; 3. From all members. The deeds done with each of these members will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. The tongue is the most dangerous of human organs. In fact, the work of the tongue is absolutely to pronounce, regardless of whether it is in accordance with the word in the heart.
Angels write down the words spoken by the human tongue. The best of the spoken words is saying the word shahadah. Then, in all matters, only speaking the truth is considered. The worst of the words to be uttered is to associate partners with Allah and say words that are blasphemous. And then there are words like lies, gossip and backbiting. Therefore, every member should be careful about the words he pronounces. The second organ that the slaves are responsible for is the soul. The work of the heart is absolutely to believe. Whatever concept the heart clings to, whether it is right or wrong, that concept is called "belief" and "belief". That's why the heart is never without faith. That is, if the belief of a believer is faith, the belief of an infidel is disbelief. The aqeedah of someone who thinks that he does not believe in anything is not to believe in things that should be believed. One of the most important things about the heart is intention. It depends on the intention whether the actions are meritorious or not. Belief in Allah and all that He has revealed is a belief that is obligatory upon every sane, mature Muslim.
The third thing that slaves are responsible for is all the other members. Servants perform obligatory, voluntary and permissible actions, as well as sins and vices with their members. It is known that there is a dispute about whether a person who has never uttered the word of faith without excuse during his life is considered a believer or not. That is why our ancestors focused on learning and teaching the words of faith. In the work "Muallimus Sani" by Ahmed Hadi Maqsudi, may God bless him and grant him peace, the "words of faith" are described separately for elementary students. These words are words that every believer should know and believe in their meanings.
From the book "Masterpieces of Faith".