It is a night better than a thousand moons. This corresponds to approximately 83.3 lunar years. This means that prayers performed on this blessed night are better than the reward of prayers performed for so many years. Let's assume that a person who finds this blessed night once gets a better reward than many years of prayer, how much reward does a person who finds it several times get?

It is known from history that the past ummahs had long lives, they did a lot of good deeds and received great rewards. When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, found out about this situation, he felt that the life of his ummah was very short. When they were envious of long-lived ummahs and wished that if my ummah lived as long as them, they would certainly do many good deeds and achieve many achievements. Allah, the Exalted, granted him Laylat al-Qadr, and the reward of the prayers performed on this night will be a thousand months of the past ummahs. He said that his prayers are better than his reward.

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made us the ummah of Muhammad alaihissalam more virtuous than other ummahs. He sent us the best and last prophet among the messengers and prophets, sent down his last book - the Qur'an, and called us the best ummah:

kntm khyr ammah akhrjt llnas

"(O Muslims!) You have become the best of the ummah revealed (known) to people" (Ali Imran, verse 110).

What kind of night is Laylatul Qadr? Allah the Exalted gives this blessing:

ایٹناا عنْزالْناهو فی لیلاهی الْقدْری wamā ادْراک ما لیلاہے الْقدـر لیلاہہ الْقدـری خیروⁿ MIŃ AĹFI SHAH̀RIⁿ TANAZALU ALMALAYİKAHU WALRUWHU FIHA BIÄDĐNI RABHIMIN MI N KULĩ AMRIⁿ SALAMUⁿ hi ya ფამებიმარიმარიმალი

"Indeed, We sent it down (the Qur'an from "Lavhul Mahfuz" to the first heaven) on the night of Qadr. (O Muhammad!) What does the Night of Qadr mean to you?! The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. On that (night), the angels and the Spirit (Gabriel) descend (from heaven to earth) with the (plan) of all the works (to be done during the year) by the permission of their Lord. It is health until the dawn" (Surat al-Qadr).

Laylatul Qadr means the night of great value. It is named so because the value of the virtues given in this night is high, its value is greater than a thousand months, and the actions of servants for a year are measured and planned on this night. Because, on this night, the angels measure and calculate all the work that will be done until this night of the next year.

As mentioned in the Surah, the Holy Qur'an was revealed on this night. It is a night better than a thousand moons. This corresponds approximately to 83.3 lunar years that do not fall within the night of Laylat al-Qadr. This means that prayers performed on this blessed night are better than the reward of prayers performed for so many years. Let's assume that a person who finds this blessed night once gets a better reward than many years of prayer, how much reward does a person who finds it several times get? Is there more happiness than that? Therefore, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was looking forward to this blessed month, reminding his companions that it was approaching and urging them to prepare. When Ramadan came, they would welcome and bless the Companions. Narrated by Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him. When the month of Rajab came, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to pray like this:

God bless you

"O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha'ban and bring us to Ramadan" (Narrated by Imam Bayhaqi).

Mu'allo ibn Fazl, may God have mercy on him, says: "Salafi salih used to pray six months before the arrival of Ramadan, asking God to make it to this month, and after Ramadan, they prayed for another six months, wishing that their prayers in this month would be accepted." Thus, they worry about this blessed month throughout the year.

On this night, under the leadership of Gabriel, the angels will bring the work of one year's servants whom Allah has ordained for the next year. It is a night of peace until dawn. On this blessed night, the angels greet the believers, and the fate of the servants is only peace.

'Ana ạ̉ ảbī hruẗaⁿạ̊ḍ̊ḍīi ạl̊nãhu ṣ̊̊̊̊̊̊ ل̊ qāl̊: mn yqm ẗ ạl̊ Qal̊ yqm ạạl: mn yqm ẗ ạl̊q̊ ạl̊ ạạạạ ạ قانا فا فر ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū ū̊ạaⁿạ ū ū ū ū ū̊̊̊̊ ⁿⁿ ⁿ ⁿ ẖ نتب م فا فاهما فا فار Lh rawāhu al-bkhary.

It is narrated from Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him: "The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "Whoever spends the night of Qadr awake with faith and sincerity, his past sins will be forgiven." So, this night should be spent waking up with prayers, reciting the Qur'an, supplications, and asking for forgiveness.

It should be noted that spending the night of Laylat al-Qadr awake should include prayer, dhikr, rosary, recitation of the Qur'an, and not eating, feasting, and idle talk. First of all, it is advisable to pray the evening and morning prayers of that night in order to be ready for this night. After all, it is said in the hadith that the person who recited the evening prayer with the congregation spent half of that night awake, and the person who recited the morning prayer with the congregation spent the rest of the night awake.


In the morning of the Night of Qadr, the sun shines brightly. About this, Hasan ibn Ali narrates what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "The night of Qadr is clear and pleasant, neither hot nor cold. That morning, the sun's rays will be dazzling."

Wisdom that is hidden

1. Among other things, Allah has hidden the Night of Qadr. He hid His pleasure in prayers so that His servants would encourage them to pray, and His Anger in sins so that they would refrain from all sinful actions. Just as he hid the acceptance of repentance so that people could continue in repentance, he did not announce the time of death so that they would always be ready, so he kept this night hidden so that they could enjoy all the nights of Ramadan.

2. Since Banda does not know the exact time of the night of Qadr, he strives to stay awake in all the nights of Ramadan with hope. Allah, the Exalted, brags to His angels about His servants: "You used to say that My servants will corrupt the earth and shed blood. But look how excited they are for the hidden night! If I had told them clearly about the Night of Qadr, what would be their zeal?'' In this case, the wisdom of the sentence "I know what you do not know" from Surah Al-Baqara verse 30 is revealed.

* * *

Lailatul Qadr Dua

In the hadith sharif narrated by Abdullah ibn Buraydah, may Allah be pleased with her, Aisha, may God be pleased with her, says: "O Messenger of Allah, I asked what I should pray for when I find the Night of Qadr." He is:

God bless you, God bless you

"Allahumma, innaka ʻafuvwun tuhibbul ʻafwa, faʻʻu ʻanni

Say: O Allah, You are the Forgiving One, You love to forgive, forgive my (sins)" (narrations of Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

Prepared by Talibjon KADIROV.

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