The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested Israeli historian Ilan Pappe at the Detroit airport for supporting the Palestinian movement Hamas. He was interrogated for 2 hours, FBI agents asked him whether he was a supporter of Hamas, whether he considered Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip to be genocide, and the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Also, his mobile phone was taken for examination.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested Israeli historian Ilan Pappe at the Detroit airport for supporting the Palestinian movement Hamas. The professor announced this on his Facebook page.
According to Pappe, his mobile phone was taken away during the nearly two-hour interrogation.
According to the scientist, FBI agents asked him whether he was a supporter of Hamas, whether he considered Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip to be genocide, and the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Pappe added that the FBI was investigating his Arab and Muslim friends in the United States and the nature of his relationships with them.
According to the historian, during the interrogation, the agents talked for a long time on the phone with representatives of the supposed Israeli authorities.
Ilan Pappe was only allowed to leave his phone after all the data on it was copied.
It should be noted that on March 8, Professor Ilan Pappe said at a meeting of the Islamic Human Rights Commission in Great Britain that Israel's aggression in the Gaza Strip could become "the darkest moment in the history of Palestine."

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