Dmitry Vagurin, Prosecutor of the Department of Federal Security, International Relations, Control of Enforcement of Laws on Combating Extremism and Terrorism of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, noted that hatred against foreigners and immigrants is artificially incited in society, and this can lead to the collapse of the country. He also accused immigrants from Central Asia of taking over business sectors and harming Russia's economy and identity.

Hatred of foreigners and immigrants is artificially increasing in the society. This is being done in order to slow down the development of the Russian Federation and destroy it. Dmitry Vagurin, prosecutor of the Federal Security, Inter-ethnic Relations, Law Enforcement Control Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation , informed about this.

" Along with the many legitimate risks and fears associated with the stay of migrants, radicalized individuals often create artificial hatred towards foreigners, using the negative actions of a few people as a pattern of behavior for the whole nation, " the official told the House of Commons on trends in modern extremism. and his speech on the topic of dangers.

Vagurin noted that the expressions of racism and nationalism on Telegram channels are increasing. According to him, they publish a lot of negative information about foreigners.

"This is being done to divide the population of the country, to sow the seeds of enmity between peoples, and eventually to slow down the development of Russia and even destroy it, " said the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation .

The official also said that immigrants from Central Asian countries are harming Russian business and undermining Russia's identity: "In fact, migrants create enclaves, take over business sectors, and ultimately not only harm the country's economy, but we also lose our identity."

"In recent years, the structure of immigrants has changed dramatically, most of the immigrants come to work from the neighboring republics of Central Asia. A large number of immigrants, plus or minus 15 million people every year, mainly migrant workers with the appropriate level of education and culture, many of whom do not even have a minimal knowledge of the Russian language, because with the collapse of the USSR, the study of this language was stopped in their homelands, he added. Prosecutor.

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