Activists of the nationalist organization "Russian People's Party" in Novosibirsk are demanding the seller of the "Melody Zdorovya" ("Melody of Health") pharmacy located on Karl Marx Street in the city to remove his headscarf, Islam News wrote, referring to Sibkray.

Activists say the headscarf is associated with radical Islam, offends the religious sensibilities of Orthodox Christians and incites ethnic hatred. At the same time, Druzhina considered it inappropriate to compare Muslim women's headscarves with Orthodox women's headscarves, explaining her opinion that today Russian women do not traditionally cover their heads.

"Yes, there is an Orthodox tradition of wearing a headscarf," says Yevgeny, the regional head of the nationalist organization.

She compared wearing a headscarf in active Novosibirsk society to being seen in shorts on the streets of Grozny.

"We are fighting for our streets to maintain the order we are used to. When a person wears shorts in Grozny, citizens come to him and say: this is not a custom here , either leave the city or dress according to the custom ," he said.

The Russian drujinnik added that in this way the activists are fighting for the Constitution and laws of Russia.

"The constitution states that the Russian Federation is a multi-religious state. Everyone has equal rights. This point is often misunderstood. If religions are separated , the Constitution will be violated . Other religions will be oppressed. I am an Orthodox Christian, my religious feelings are disturbed. I don't walk around with crosses, so I don't stand behind the counter. This is a legal problem, " Evgeny explained.

According to him, Russian activists do not oppress the people, because the hijab is not part of the national dress and is more related to radical Islam. If the management of the store does not force the cashier to remove the hijab, social activists of the "Russian People's Party" are ready to announce a boycott of the entire "Melodiya zdorovya" network.

Eugene boasted that there are already examples of a successful fight against the headscarf. In one of the big stores they heard . The management forced the employees to follow the dress code and ordered them to remove the headscarf or hijab.

The situation was explained by the head of the National Association of Lawyers, lawyer Ruslan Nagiev. "A scarf on a woman's head does not disturb anyone and does not pose a danger. Does not violate the rights of third parties. This woman wears a headscarf herself and does not force anyone to wear it," the lawyer said.

As he recalls, "the headscarf is an element of traditional women's clothing of the indigenous peoples of Russia. Siberian Tatars are not a foreign people in Novosibirsk.

"No one has the right to strip women against their will. The husbands and brothers of most of them are currently serving in the Russian Armed Forces. The Virgin Mary and all the women in the icons are depicted wearing headscarves. There is no need to stir up enmity in our multi-ethnic country. Let's treat each other with respect. This is our common Motherland," Nagiev wrote on his Telegram channel.

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