Commenting on the demolition of the Abu Bakr Mosque in Troitsk, Mufti of Moscow Ildar Alyautdinov said, "This event echoes with pain in the hearts of Muslims." According to him, the "Ilm and Faith" Muslim congregation in New Moscow is "preparing to build a new building that will meet all the requirements" of the mosque.

The religious administration of Russian Muslims (head - mufti Ravil Gaynutdin) commented on the destruction of the prayer hall (Abu Bakr mosque) belonging to the "Ilm va Iman" Muslim congregation in Troitsk, reports Islam News.

The statement of Moscow Mufti Il'dar Alyautdinov was published by the press service of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Russia.

"News about the destruction of the building of the Muslim congregation "Science and Faith" in New Moscow are actively spreading on the Internet," the mufti said in a statement. "Moscow Muslims participated in many projects carried out by the religious administration. It is sad to think that the building where the prayers were said and the commands of the Most High was destroyed. No matter how difficult it is to accept such a message, the Moscow religious administration confirms it ."

It is noted that the building was destroyed by court order. The building where worshipers performed prayers was not registered in the prescribed manner. Attempts were made by the religious administration to resolve this issue, but "a positive result could not be achieved due to non-observance of legal requirements at the initial stage of construction."

"This situation once again emphasizes the importance of complying with legal requirements in matters of organizing the activities of religious communities. It is known that the representatives of the "Science and Faith" community, recognizing their shortcomings, are already preparing to build a new building based on all the requirements. Currently, the religious administration of Moscow Muslims is conducting a constructive dialogue with the city government in order to solve the existing problems and find an acceptable solution to the situation," noted Il'dar Alyautdinov.

We remind you that on April 16-17, two mosques of Muslims were demolished in the Moscow region. The second building was located on an empty lot not far from the borders of Moscow and belonged to the Muslim organization "Friendship", which operated under the religious supervision of Mufti Albir Krganov, head of the Religious Assembly of Russian Muslims.

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