The draft notes that Palestine meets the criteria for UN membership in accordance with Article 4 of the UN Charter and should therefore be admitted to UN membership.
It is also recommended that the UN Security Council reconsider the issue "in a positive direction" in this context.

Calls for specific provisions to ensure Palestinian participation in General Assembly sessions, meetings organized by UN bodies and UN conferences.
The draft resolution calls on the Economic and Social Council to implement these agreements "without Palestinian participation in the Council" and calls for this to apply to other UN bodies, specialized agencies and organizations within the UN system.

At the same time, the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and statehood is mentioned and the UN Secretary General is called to take the necessary measures to implement the resolution.

An annex to the draft resolution lists some of the conditions demanded by Palestine. Including:

- the right to sit alphabetically among member states,
- The right to be a speaker at sessions organized outside of Palestine and the Middle East,
- the right to make a statement on behalf of the group,
- the right to make suggestions and corrections,
- voting on legal proposals,
- To elect members of the Palestinian delegation to the committees of the UN General Assembly,
-The right to actively participate in UN conferences and international events is among them.

- Palestine's effort to become a full member of the UN
In 2011, Palestine also applied to become a full member of the UN, but did not receive the necessary support in the UN Security Council. In 2012, Palestine was granted "permanent observer status" at the UN.

On April 2 of this year, the Permanent Representative of Palestine to the UN, Riyad Mansour, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres asking to reconsider the membership application.

On April 8, the UN Security Council referred Palestine's request to the "Committee on Admission of New Members". It was announced that after two meetings, no agreement could be reached on the membership issue.

After that, on April 18, Algeria submitted to the UN Security Council a draft resolution on the admission of Palestine to the organization. The US vetoed the draft resolution.

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