A man who wrote a comment on a post about the Israeli ambassador finishing his mission on the Telegram channel was called to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He "disobeyed the legal requirements of the employees and cursed" near the office building. For this , the man was imprisoned for 10 days.

On July 24, 2024, Mirzo Ulugbek wrote a comment in the district court on the news that the Israeli ambassador in Uzbekistan was ending his mission, asking for the address of the embassy, and when he was called to the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to this comment, the sentence was read to the citizen who disobeyed the officers , "Gazeta.uz" reported .

According to the court document, on June 19, 2024, RA, born in 1987, sent a message to the Telegram messenger channel "Chat-live Quds" about the post that Israel's ambassador to Uzbekistan has completed his mission: "Our troops are guarded by their teeth and nails," he said.

After that, he was invited to the Mirzo Ulugbek district IIO FMB building. In the process, the citizen violated the public order and peace of citizens by yelling at the entrance to the IIO FMB building, which is considered a public place, without obeying the legal requirements of the IIB officers.

At the court session, RA requested that the first warning be issued, stating that he had come in compliance with the legal requirements of the IIB officers and had not acted excessively.

According to the court's verdict, RA was found guilty of having committed offenses under Article 183 (Petty hooliganism) and Article 194 (Disobedience to legal demands of internal affairs officers) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, Part 1. A fine of 680,000 soums and 10 days of administrative imprisonment were imposed on him.

After serving the sentence, it was decided to collect 15 percent of the base calculation amount for each day of administrative detention, i.e. 510 thousand soums, for the costs related to keeping the offender in a special reception.

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