The petition (people's appeal) to ban covert and overt LGBT propaganda in Kazakhstan collected the necessary 50,000 votes and was accepted for official consideration by the government. The appeal was put forward by Bagila Baltabaeva, head of the Parents' Union of Kazakhstan.

The Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan has accepted a public petition against LGBT propaganda for consideration.

"We are against open and covert LGBT propaganda in the Republic of Kazakhstan!" published on the official portal "". petition has collected the required number of signatures for official review. According to Article 90-4 of the Administrative Procedure-Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after reaching the limit of 50 thousand signatures, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan accepted the petition for consideration. According to Article 90-5 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the term of consideration of the application is up to 40 working days from the date of its registration," the ministry said.

The ministry added that a special working group consisting of representatives of interested parties, state bodies and public associations will organize work on this issue . The author of the public appeal was Bagila Baltabaeva, head of the Parents' Union of Kazakhstan.

There are no legal requirements to ban LGBT propaganda in Kazakhstan. Despite this, in February of this year, the Ministry of Information blocked the site of LGBT+ teenagers because of the fact that "a violation of the law related to the posting of information harmful to children's health and development on the Internet resource was detected." In March, Almaty authorities banned the Feminita movement from holding its annual march on March 8 because the march promoted "same-sex relationships, marriage, LGBT symbols."

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